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I want to request reimbursement for MCY Expenses

**Please note that the university calculates metro cards into "cost of living" for MCY and thus we cannot provide metro cards or reimburse for that expense.**

Which expenses will Columbia Reimburse?
Travel expenses for students at overnight Primary Care sites, clerkships at Bassett are all eligible for reimbursement. 

Clerkship students can be reimbursed for bus/train transportation to Cooperstown at the beginning of the week, and the return trip to New York at the end of the week

How are Primary Care Clerkship expenses reimbursed?
Primary Care related reimbursements differ depending on your site. Students going to IHS sites will receive reimbursement for housing and travel. For students going to Bassett, car rentals will be arranged by the clerkship office and students will be reimbursed for gas expenses during the duration of the clerkship.

Students should save gas/transportation receipts and submit them attached to a Uservoice ticket at the end of their clerkship.

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