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Lottery: Instructions and Advice

Waitlist-Only Courses
Waitlist electives are not included in the lottery. To add a waitlist-only elective, students must add themselves to the waitlist after the lottery for that month, and then review the "Waiting List" instructions found in the OASIS catalog description. Not all waitlist courses are first-come, first-served.

All students should list as many courses as possible that interest you for each month. Failure to list several back-ups for each month may result in no matches in the lottery for that month. The number of selections you can make is unlimited.

Course Preference
If you prefer a specific course, you should rank it #1 for each stage of the lottery until you receive it. Do not forget to rank back-ups each time.

To increase your odds, you should consistently prioritize subinternships (non-waitlist) in your selections if you plan to take one March through June. You will have the opportunity to add subinternships from July through September during the lottery in April. Reminder: Internal medicine subinternship placements will be made by Dr. Lauren Mautner Rin; the preferences survey will be sent out the first week of January.

Since spots in medicine and pediatric subinternships are limited, registration is capped for these sub-Is at NYP or our affiliates at a maximum of one medicine and one pediatric subinternship per student in the first six months (March–September).

Due to the popularity of subinternships early in the year, it is likely that not everyone who wants to sign-up for a sub-I will be able to get a spot. If you do not get one, we will work with you to make sure you get a spot over the summer.

Deciding Between Specialties
If you are deciding between specialties, it is advised that you list electives in the two or more specialties for each stage. For example, if you are deciding between Medicine and Pediatrics, you should list all medicine and pediatric electives for March. Then, if you receive a Medicine elective for March, list all Pediatric electives for April, etc. This will increase your odds of being placed and will help you get exposure early in the semester to help with decision making and planning.

Scholarly Projects
If you are planning to register for scholarly project month(s), these are listed in the course catalog under the “Scholarly Projects” department. SP month 1 is a waitlist course, pending confirmation of your mentor. Subsequent months are waitlist courses pending approval of your proposal. Therefore, these courses are not part of the lottery.

You are allotted 2 months for interviewing and required to take a minimum of 1 interview month during D&I during prime interview season (November–January depending on specialty). Students who will travel widely and/or also need to interview for PGY 1 may need to take two months. A maximum of 2 interview months can be taken during the entire D&I phase.

Board Prep Months
All D&I students will be automatically registered for Board Prep in January, February, and March. If you plan to take an elective in January or February instead, please submit a UserVoice request by 11/30 (Jan) or 12/31 (Feb). If you plan to take an elective in March instead, you must drop Board Prep before adding your March lottery selections, and can add Board Prep to a subsequent month during or after that month's lottery.

Self-Arranged Electives
Self-arranged research and preceptorships require documentation in addition to enrollment in OASIS. Please review the approval process in our D&I / Electives Knowledgebase.


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