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Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons Student Services Portal

Dear VP&S Students,

To respond to your questions in a timely way and to catalog answers to frequently asked questions, we are using UserVoice to triage and respond to your inquiries.
We hope you will find this knowledge base to be a useful tool! Please feel free to submit suggestions for new articles, "like" existing ones, and share feedback.  


VP&S Office of Medical Education

Knowledge Base

  1. Student Affairs 

    1. Residency Credentials and paperwork
    2. Introduction to the VP&S Office of Student Affairs
    3. Residency Program Forms/Paperwork
    4. Requesting Guest Access to the VEC
    5. Request for a Jury Duty Deferral Letter
  2. Fundamentals 

    1. Exam Information: How will I take exams during Fundamentals?
    2. Exam Information: I can't see my exam!
    3. Exam Information: Where can I take my exam?
    4. Exam Information: What time can I start my exam?
    5. Exam Information: How do I download the exam file?
  3. MCY 

    1. Primary Care Clerkship Site Descriptions
    2. Exam Accommodations in MCY
    3. Hospital Access
    4. MCY Site Directory
    5. Bassett FAQs
  4. D&I / Electives 

    1. Suggestions
    2. Registration: Lottery Schedule
    3. Registration: How to add/drop a non-waitlist course
    4. Registration: How to add a waitlist course
    5. Registration: How to request a late add/drop
  5. OASIS 

    1. Exam Information: How to I review my exam grades?
    2. MCY Lottery: I want to make a 1:1 grid swap
    3. MCY Lottery: How do I rank my course grids (groups)?
    4. I want to view my Student Performance Evaluations.
    5. I want to view/complete my Requirement Checklist in OASIS.
  6. Compliance & Certifications 

    1. My Epic access needs to be reactivated
    2. Hospital Systems Access
    3. I want to update my Academic History in OASIS.
    4. EHR Access - CWID Activation/reactivation/maintenance
    5. I need to renew my BLS (Basic Life Support) Certification
  7. Scholarly Projects 

    1. What is the timeline for planning my Scholarly Project?
    2. When should I start my scholarly project?
    3. What must I complete before I start my Scholarly Project?
    4. I want to change my Scholarly Project track and/or mentor.
    5. How do I register for scholarly project months on OASIS?
  8. MD/MS 

    1. Are there funds to assist with the cost of poster printing and conference attendance?
    2. How much funding will I recieve?
  9. Visiting Students 

    1. Application Requirements: Liability Insurance Requirements
    2. Application Requirements: OSHA / Infection Control Certification
    3. Application Requirements: Fees
    4. Application Requirements: Vaccinations / Health Requirements
    5. Visiting Students: How do I apply for electives at CUIMC/VP&S?
  10. D&I / Electives - Faculty & Administrators 

    1. Suggestions
    2. OASIS: How to request electives updates
    3. VSLO: How to request VSLO access
    4. Visiting Students: International Students
  11. All articles 

    1. What is the timeline for planning my Scholarly Project?
    2. Primary Care Clerkship Site Descriptions
    3. I want to print/view my grades or unofficial transcript
    4. Are there funds to assist with the cost of poster printing and conference attendance?
    5. Requesting a Locker
    160 articles 

Feedback and Knowledge Base