How do I register for scholarly project months on OASIS?
SP month 1 - You will need to add your mentor's department and contact information under the "scholarly projects" link in OASIS when adding yourself to the waitlist.
SP Month 2 - Your project proposal must have been approved by your mentor, submitted to Courseworks and approved by your Track Director to be added from the waitlist.
- Your project proposal must be uploaded to Courseworks at least two or three weeks before your second month starts to allow time for review and approval.
If you need to register past the add/drop date of the next month's start date, you will need to contact
SP Month 3 or Final Month - You will be placed on a waiting list to ensure you have already signed up for the required preceding scholarly project months.If you need to register past the add/drop date of the next month's start date, you will need to contact
If you are registering for Month 4, 5, 6, etc of your Scholarly Project, you will be put on a waiting list and need to be approved for an extended Scholarly Project ("Scholarly Projects Plus") before these additional months are added to your OASIS schedule.
If you experience any other difficulties, please email and we will try to address this issue with you.
SP Month 3 or Final Month - You will be placed on a waiting list to ensure you have already signed up for the required preceding scholarly project months.If you need to register past the add/drop date of the next month's start date, you will need to contact
If you are registering for Month 4, 5, 6, etc of your Scholarly Project, you will be put on a waiting list and need to be approved for an extended Scholarly Project ("Scholarly Projects Plus") before these additional months are added to your OASIS schedule.
If you experience any other difficulties, please email and we will try to address this issue with you.