What is the timeline for planning my Scholarly Project?
The major steps of preparation for the Scholarly Project include
1. Identifying an area of interest
2. Identifying a mentor
3. SP track selection, and
4. Development of the project proposal.
In making selections, we encourage students to reflect on their individual experiences, interests and passions and seek consultation from potential mentors and SPP Faculty as early in their medical training as they wish.
See recommended timeline below:
- MCY: Considering potential tracks of study (e.g., basic and translational science, clinical research, global and population health, medical education, narrative & social medicine).
- End of MCY: Identify potential mentors
- Early D&I: Begin reaching out to potential mentors
- 2-3 months before you intend to begin your project: choose your mentor and draft your proposal (see template on the CourseWorks scholarly project page under "Assignments").
- 1-2 months before you intend to begin your project: register for your first scholarly project month on OASIS.
- By the middle of your first scholarly project month: submit your final proposal with mentor approval on CourseWorks for your Track Director's review.
Once your Track Director approves your proposal, you may sign up for additional scholarly project months on OASIS. If you'd like to extend your scholarly project beyond four months, you will need to meet with the SPP Director, Dr. Utpal Pajvani, for approval.
All students in the SPP are invited to meet individually with Dr. Pajvani during the Major Clinical Year to discuss their scholarly project goals and the tracks in which they are interested. To schedule a meeting, please open a ticket.
All students in the SPP are invited to meet individually with Dr. Pajvani during the Major Clinical Year to discuss their scholarly project goals and the tracks in which they are interested. To schedule a meeting, please open a ticket.