Lottery: How to add/drop course selections during a lottery
To Add a Selection:
- Go to OASIS (
- Click "Add Course" on the top menu bar.
- Search the catalog. You can filter by Department and other search criteria.
- Click "Add" under the Actions column.
- Select the desired month in the Add column, and click "Add Selected Courses". Make sure you only rank selections for the current stage of the lottery.
- Rank your choices in the Schedule tab.

- OASIS will not place you in a course from your selections if you already have a course on your schedule for that month.
- OASIS will not allow you to add the same course twice.
- Reminder: OASIS will not allow you to add/drop a course within 28 days of the rotation.
- Check the box next to the selection you want to drop.
- Click "Drop Selected".
- Click "Update order".