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Registration: Lottery Schedule

Lottery Dates - Class of 2026

D&I Registration Lottery Dates – Class of 2026


January Internal Medicine Subinternship survey**
Lottery Series #1: March, April, May, June electives
April Lottery Series #2: July, August, September, October electives
July Lottery Series #3: November, December electives
October Lottery Series #4: R4R, January, February, March, April electives

Reminder with specific lottery dates will be sent he month before each lottery.
All students will be automatically registered for Board Prep in January, February, and March.
 - If you plan to take an elective in January, please submit a UserVoice request before the end of November.
 - If you plan to take an elective in February, please submit a UserVoice request before the end of December.
 - If you plan to take an elective in March, you will need to drop your March Board Prep month before participating in the March lottery.
** IM sub-I placements will be made by Dr. Lauren Mautner Rin; the survey will be sent out the first week of January.

Lottery Dates:

OASIS Level in 2025: D&I

Stage Lottery Opens - 9am Lottery Closes - 12pm Results Released - 5pm
March Monday, January 13 Tuesday, January 14 Tuesday, January 14
April Thursday, January 16 Friday, January 17 Friday, January 17
May Monday, January 20* Tuesday, January 21 Tuesday, January 21
June Thursday, January 23 Friday, January 24 Friday, January 24

*Note that Monday, January 20 is a University Holiday (MLK Day).

Stage Lottery Opens - 9am Lottery Closes - 12pm Results Released - 5pm
July Monday, April 7 Tuesday, April 8 Tuesday, April 8
August Thursday, April 10 Friday, April 11 Friday, April 11
September Monday, April 14 Tuesday, April 15 Tuesday, April 15
October Thursday, April 17 Friday, April 18 Friday, April 18

Stage Lottery Opens - 9am Lottery Closes - 12pm Results Released - 5pm
November Monday, July 7 Tuesday, July 8 Tuesday, July 8
December Thursday, July 10 Friday, July 11 Friday, July 11

OASIS Level in 2026: D&I-Grad

Stage Lottery Opens - 9am Lottery Closes - 12pm Results Released - 5pm
R4R Monday, October 6 Tuesday, October 7 Tuesday, October 7
January Thursday, October 9 Friday, October 10 Friday, October 10
February Monday, October 13 Tuesday, October 14 Tuesday, October 14
March Thursday, October 16 Friday, October 17 Friday, October 17
April Monday, October 20 Tuesday, October 21 Tuesday, October 21

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